Lakeshire Shelties

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Up coming litters for 2025

Violet & Gage puppies in February 2025-Blue Merles & Mahogany Sables
Meadow & Gage February 2025- Sable Merles & Mahogany Sables
Savanah & Gage April 2025- Sable Merles & Mahogany Sables
Ivy & Gage August 2025 Sable & Mahogany Sable
April & Gage August 2025 - Sable & Mahogany Sable

Gage will be the sire for all the puppies, expected colors will be sable, mahogany sable and sable merle.
Deposit is not necessary to hold a puppy.
I will post puppy pictures as soon as they are born.

Below are pictures of Avery, Meadow, Savannah, Gage and Ivy.


A deposit of $100 will hold a puppy for you until ready to go to their new home.

Please contact me if you would like to be placed on a waiting list for future litters.


If you are unable to make the trip yourself to lakeshireshelties,
Kassie From Royal Rides can provide safe reliable transportation for you.
Feel free to contact Kassie for an estimate for your puppies transportation.


Information on frequently asked questions:
Please take the time to read through the many questions asked as this will help you in your decision to become a puppy owner and how the process works.
This website is updated on a regular basis, so all information is correct.

Puppy waiting list

With the amount of people interested in adding a sheltie puppy to their home, the best way to insure you will get a puppy is by putting down a refundable deposit of $100.00 to hold your puppy until ready for their new home.

Pups price is for limited registration. This means the puppies are not for breeding. Pet only homes.
Spay or neuter agreement with a copy from your vet.


HOW IT WORKS - You can put a deposit by paypal with my email - or by my cell phone number- 585-764-7157 of $100.00. Add 3% if using paypal to the initial payment. Example $100 is $103.00, $1,900 is $1,957.00, $2,200 is $2,266.00 when using paypal.
If you feel uneasy about leaving a deposit, we can make other arrangements.

Personal checks are ok for the deposit, made out to Melanie Enderlin, 7728 Roder Pkwy, Ontario, NY 14519
Personal checks are not ok for final payment, Cash or Paypal only.

REFUNDS - Deposit refunds are refundable up to 3 wks prior to puppy pick up. If you cancel 3 wks prior to puppy pick up, it is not. If puppy does not pass health check, your deposit is refundable or you can choose another puppy when available.

FINAL PAYMENT - Final payment is expected at time of puppy's pick up day. This can be cash or paypal, NO PERSONAL CHECKS!

CHOOSING A PUP - When the puppies are born, I will notify all the depositors in the order received with the pictures of the newborn puppies. I may wait until the pups are a week old before sending the pictures. From there, you can pick out your puppy.

PUPPY UPDATES - Once you have chosen your puppy, I will send you updates and pictures as they grow.

HEALTH CHECK - Pups will have their health vet check at 6 wks as well as their first set of shots and deworming.

HEALTH GUARANTEE - Pups health is guaranteed for 1 yr from any congenital health defects, if this were to happen, a vet statement stating the condition of the puppy would be needed.
A full refund would be issued. If the puppy was not cared for, lack of vet care, over weight, under weight, neglect, this is guarantee is Void.

PUPPY PICK UP DAY - After the pups get their vet check and vaccines, we can set up a pick up time, this usually happens over the weekend, Friday afternoon through Sunday, I also have Wednesdays available if a weekday would work out better.
Please bring a crate for your puppy is you are traveling alone as this will ensure you will have a safe ride home.
Please bring a small harness or collar for your puppy with a leash.

BE READY AT HOME - Please be ready at home for your puppies arrival ahead of time so the transition will go smoothly. Have an area where you can keep your puppy safe and that is washable. Having a gate or puppy playpen can be used to keep your puppy in their own area. In this area have a bed and or crate, toys, puppy training pads, water and food dish. Purchase puppy food ahead, currently feeding pedigree puppy food found at Tractor Supply, Walmart, Tops and Target. (Chicken Flavor).

More information on some frequently asked questions are listed at the bottom of this page.


Regarding Visitation

The health and safety of our dogs and puppies is very important to us, therefore, we take every precaution to protect them.
After purchasing a puppy, many people ask about coming to visit the puppy. There are countless things to consider as a breeder of home raised puppies. One being the dangers of exposing young puppies to communicable disease. Young and newborn puppies do not have fully developed immune systems and are susceptible to life threatening illnesses, including Parvovirus, Canine Influenza, Canine Herpes Virus, Kennel Cough, etc. Puppy diseases are easily spread by even the most casual contact. Visitors can (unknowingly) bring diseases onto the property that can hurt the puppies. Disease can be carried on clothing, hands, shoes, even the tires of a car. Parvo can live for years in the soil, be picked up in pet stores, dog parks, training facilities, kennels, vet offices, rest stops, and unknowingly be tracked in during the visit. When diseases like Parvo strike, they can kill a whole litter in a matter of hours. Puppies will eventually have maternal antibodies built up as they grow and get stronger after birth, but are not totally immune. Young puppies who are nursing from their mothers receive important antibodies in the mothers milk to help protect them from disease. However, starting at about 6 to 8 weeks of age, these antibodies begin to lose their effectiveness. Precautions need to be taken to ensure our puppies safety, therefore, we do not allow our puppies to be seen or handled until the puppy has had its first shots, after 6 weeks of age.

Pups are fed Pedigree Puppy 1/3 cup 2xs a day slightly moistened..
I feed my adults Pedigree adult food and can food 2xs a day.

Pups are puppy potty pad trained before they leave, this does help the potty training progress especially during the winter months.

If driving alone, a crate to transport your pup may be a good idea to keep both of you safe during your travels.

Your puppy may experience car sickness, you may want to bring paper towels and a plastic bag to be prepared.

If picking up an adult dog, a leash and harness is recommended.

A harness is easier on your pup at first when they are young and then can grow into a collar.

I recommend crate training, wire crates are nice because you can see through them and adjust to puppy's size as they grow. A medium size is recommended if you plan to continue to use it as they grow into an adult dog.

Obedience training is recommended as it will give you both a chance to learn together and have fun doing it. You will be happy with the results as shelties train quickly and are eager to please you. I have always started after the first year, but that is up to you. Puppy classes are a great way to socialize your pup with others.

If you would like to use a dog house, I strongly suggest doing it right away. For some odd reason, if you get a dog house for your dog latter in life they will not go in it. Introducing it as a puppy, they will continue to use it as an adult.


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